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The Trans-Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program

SPAINUniversity of Pais Vasco San Sebastian Campus

Campus Location San Sebastian, Spain
Campus Website: http://www.gipuzkoa.ehu.es/p210-home/es/
Application Instructions:  For US and Canadian Students
Disciplines of Study:  Chemistry, Physics, but not biology
Language of Instruction:  Spanish
Pre-Session Info:  San Sebastian offers both intensive Spanish courses in September before classes begin as well as year long Spanish courses for foreign students. Both are highly recommended for TASSEP students. The URL is: http://www.relaciones-internacionales.ehu.es/p274-contenen/en/contenidos/enlace/cursos_de_lenguas_alumnos_vrrr/en_cur_alum/cursos_lenguas_alumnado.html
Program Dates:  Academic Calendar
Course Equivalence:  2ECTS = 1 US credit



The University of the Basque Country is divided into three campuses. One campus with 10,000 students is located in San Sebastian (population 200,000), which is about 12 miles form the French border at the foot of the Pyrenees Mountains in the province of Gipuzkoa. Its spectacular bay (see picture) on the Atlantic Ocean has made San Sebastian a tourist attraction hundreds of years. The campus of the University lies within walking distance (about 30 minutes) of the medieval quarter of the city, which serves as the entertainment center - filled with restaurants, tapas bars, etc. Although in the Basque country where native Basque people speak Basque, everyone in San Sebastian speaks Spanish, and the university courses are given in Spanish. The university has departments in Architecture, Economy, Teaching, Law, Computer Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Nursing, Polytechnic and Chemistry. The chemistry department has particular strength in applied and polymer chemistry. Students get lots of individual attention. The University in San Sebastian does not offer a major in biology, (biology majors go to Bilbao). However, San Sebastian does offer a solid biochemistry course within the chemistry department.


Other information:

Subjects offered in English in the Chemistry Faculty of the University of the Basque Country

Explanation of Physical Chemistry Courses in San Sebastian

P-Chem Thermodynamics Spring Term

P-Chem Quantum Mechanics Fall Term










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