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The Trans-Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program



The Trans-Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program is a consortium of member universities from the European Union, Canada and the United States. Academic advisors of science faculties work in close cooperation with their study abroad offices. TASSEP ensures that students are properly orientated and advised about courses selection and eases the problems of receiving credit for courses taken abroad. The goal is to permit students to take most of their Bachelor or Master level courses abroad with respect of their study schedules of their home university.

As an exchange program, TASSEP provides the most affordable means for students to study abroad. Students simply pay tuition in their home institution and can join the foreign university with no additional costs. They are enrolled in the host institution with a student card and all the advantages linked to its possession. Transatlantic transportation and all living and lodging costs are borne by the students, however the host institution provides all the contacts to find a student lodging.
